Chapter 2 - Self-Awareness


When communicating with people is easy to get lost in the conversation. I know personally that I have a hard time understanding my own emotions or expressing how I feel when having an argument or any other discussion. Thats why I think it is important to have self-awareness. According to Reflect & Relate, "self-awareness is the ability to view yourself as a unique person distinct from your surrounding environment and to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors" (Ch.2, pg. 32).

After taking an emotional intelligence quiz from my interpersonal communication class, I started to keep a journal. My score was very low, and it recommended daily journaling as a critical self-reflection, this has helped me to step back and evaluate myself and others to gain better self-awareness. After having an argument or discussion, I analyze the interaction and behaviors, this helps me better understand my emotions and determine how I could have improved. It also helps me to engage in social comparison where I can analyze others.  

Having better self-awareness will help me gain stronger relationships with others and increase my overall happiness. It will also help me become more confident in my communication, which is why having self-awareness is very crucial to communicating and individual lives. 
